For Individuals & Families

 "Banks never ask that"

3 Min per section

A free fun training that looks at trick's scammers use


By the American Bankers Association:

4 Page Summary of Tips to Spot Scams and What to Do if You Fall for it.

Download and Printer Friendly (4 Pages)

Source Page

Red flags to look for in phishing scams 

3 Min

Learn the Red Flags to Look for in Phishing Scams

A short training on become an internet body guard

15 Min

define different scams  

1 Min

Defining  Different Attacks

What are these: Phishing, Vishing, SMSishing?

protect your computer from malware 

3 Min

Protect Your Computer From Malware 

An informational Video 

Want to know more about how to recognize, remove, and avoid malware?

stop | think | connect 

2 Min

Stop | Think | Connect 

A 2 page summary of Practical Tips about devices, your information, connecting with care. Stop Think Connect is a global online safety awareness project. 

password manager - What is it and why use one

2 Min

Password Manager

Recommended password managers

3 Min

Dedicated Password Managers here are preferred over browser based as in Chrome Edge or Firefox. Each is shown if it is free or pay and where the data is stored. 

Recommended Password Managers from Carnegie Mellon University

Recommended Password Manager from Stanford University

Recommended Password Manager from MIT University

This is not an exhaustive list, and you are encouraged to do your own research password managers and pick the one that is a good fit for you or your family or small business.

a free password generator & understand what a  strong password or master password looks like 

3 Min

Free Password Generator from 1Password - Creates Master Passwords and other Passwords Easily

Stanford Password Requirement Quick Guide

Understand what a strong Password and Master Password look like

microsoft authenticator:  What is it and Why use it

2 Min

Please Note: Though this section does not cover all possible issues, strategies, or techniques.  Content here is not meant to replace your current home, small business or organization cyber security practices. Content here is meant to increase your awareness and understanding of Cybersecurity issues and offer actionable practices to protect. Please consult your small business or organization policy or leaders if you have questions, or to share this information with them.

Microsoft Authenticator

Please Note: Content on this page does not cover all possible issues, strategies, or techniques, and is not meant to replace your current home, small business or organization cyber security practices. Content here is meant to increase your awareness and understanding of Cybersecurity issues and offer practices to protect.